CLASSROOM TEACHER: American Govt, July 2018 to present; Perry High School, Gilbert, AZ, 85297; Heather Patterson ([email protected]) Principal
- Instructed approx. 120 high school seniors over 6 class periods in the American Government Curriculum
- Designed, developed and implemented lesson plans, instructional materials and assessments
- Instruct approximately 165 students in New Mexico and World History
- Develop and implement lessons
- Develop assessments for the end of the unit and end of the course exams
- Aid the team in the development of Common Formative Assessments (CFAs) and the updating of End of Course Exams (EOCs
TEACHING ASSISTANT/FACULTY ASSOCIATE: Arizona State University; TEL 313 “Technology In K-12 Curriculum” Aug 2011 to May 2012 and EDT 321 “Computer Literacy” Aug 2012 to Present
- TEL 313: Instruct Undergraduates in the implementation of technology in the K-12 Curriculum
- EDT 321: Instruct undergraduates in basic and advanced skills in MS Office (Word, Excel & PowerPoint) and web design
- Assist with interdisciplinary team (Education and Engineering) in the development and design of learning material for Geotechnical Engineering undergraduate curriculum
- Collect and analyze dataWrite and publish material for Engineering and Education journals and national
8th Grade Lang. Arts, Aug. 2001 to May 2002, Aug 2003 to May 2006 & Aug 2007 to May 2011; 7th Grade Lang. Arts; 2002 to 2003 & Aug 2006 to May 2007; Michael Montoya,([email protected]) Principal; Picacho M. S., Las Cruces, NM 88005 (575)527-9455; Fax (575)527-9459
- Instructed approx. 80 students in Language Arts
- Developed and implemented lessons, including cross-curricular units with team members and Pre-AP methods
- Developed & implemented units in the Advanced Lang Arts/Literature curriculum/Bridge class
- Assist in the referral and review of students with special needs, including A. I. P.’s (Academic Improvement Plans)
- Created and instructed units and tests in Lang. Arts discipline to meet state and district standards and benchmarks 2003
- Pre-AP Middle School English and Pre-AP U.S. History Summer Institute participant
- School-wide Title I Committee member
- ENLACE Literature pilot program member; State ENLACE convention attendee, Santa Fe, NM; February, 2003
- Coach: 8th Grade Football and Volleyball
- Administrator Evaluation Committee Chairperson/New teacher selection committee
- Picacho Educational Plan for Student Success (EPSS) committee member; 2006-2011
ADJUNCT INTRUCTOR: History 368: “Teaching History” (Methods in teaching History), New Mexico State University; Face to Face Aug. 2006 to 2008; Online 2007 to Present
- Designed, from previous classes and using my own ideas, an upper-division/graduate level college class: Teaching
- History Develop syllabus and curriculum for 30 to 60 undergraduate (5 to 10 graduate students from 2006 to 2010)
- Facilitate lessons in how to teach history in the elementary, middle and high school levels in both a live and hybrid setting
- Coordinate with the History Department and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction to insure standards are met
CLASSROOM TEACHER: Fifth grade (Aug. 1997-Aug. 2001) and Sixth Grade (Aug. 1996-May 1997), All subject areas, Desert Trail Intermediate School, Gadsden Independent School District, Anthony, NM 88021; Gerre Nesbitt,
Principal; (575)824-6500; Fax (575)824-6550.
- Instructed approx. 20-30 students in all disciplines
- Developed and implemented lesson plans in Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts disciplines
- Wrote and implemented tests to students in all disciplines
- Assisted in the referral and review of students with special needs, including I. E. P.’s
- Created and instructed units to meet with state and district curriculum requirements
- Worked with first and second year teachers to help them develop a classroom discipline plan, at the request of the school administrator
- Administrative apprentice; 1998-1999
- Gadsden ISD calendar committee member; 1998-1999
- Gadsden ISD SB-9 funding committee member; 1998-1999
- Site-based SB-9 funding committee chairperson; 1998-1999
- Lead teacher: school administrative responsibilities in the absence of both administrators; 1997-1999
- Interview committee chairperson; 1998-1999
- Team Leader Committee chairperson; 1997-1999 & Fifth Grade Co-team Leader; 1997-1999
- National Science Teachers Convention: Boston, MA; March 1999
- Gadsden ISD Language Arts book adoption committee; 1996-1997
SUMMER ACADEMY COORDINATOR: Gadsden ISD, Anthony, NM 88021, May to June, 1999; Ann Steinhoff; Director of Federal Programs, (505)882-6485l; Fax (505)882-6469·
- Interview and recommend for hire teachers for the academy
- Coordinate curriculum and instruction for the Summer Academy
- Oversee three lead teachers, seven classroom teachers and six student “techno-pals” over a three and a half week period
- Order and coordinate the purchasing and borrowing of supplies for academy purposes
- Work with the Director of Federal Programs & lead teachers to meet state & district standards & benchmarks